Your retirement PLAN consultants & administrators.
For over 48 years our professionals have provided companies with recordkeeping, administration and actuarial services for their retirement plans. Planned Retirement Consultants & Administrators, LLC provides services to more than 1,500 plans in 30 states ranging in size from one to thousands of employees.
We are proud of our reputation for providing efficient, accurate and affordable services to our clients. You’ll see from our qualifications that we are equipped to handle all of your needs.
a full range of retirement plan services
New Plan Design or Redesign
Preparation of Plan + Trust Documents
Annual Administration

What our clients are saying
“For over 25 years Planned Retirement has provided us with outstanding, timely and professional services.”
— Christine Flanagan, Flanagan’s Contracting Group, Inc.
“PRCA has been extremely attentive and kept us current with current regulations and changes regarding our plan needs.”
— Scott H. Goldstein, Esq.
“Extremely knowledgeable, pleasant to work with and patient. I highly recommend PRCA!
— T.J. Calabrese, Evolution Research Group